Tuesday, January 19, 2010

If people with one arm go to get their nails done, do they pay half price?

Now that's takes the cake. I'm speechless.If people with one arm go to get their nails done, do they pay half price?
nope, balding guys don't get a discount on haircuts eitherIf people with one arm go to get their nails done, do they pay half price?
LOL They should!
if you have just ball and have a baby, do u have to pay half of the alimony? :P
i hope so! ;)
LOL a fair rebate
who cares
What if someone had a sixth finger? Do they pay an extra 17%? I think they should, free loading hypocrites!
My daughter was born with one hand and no she don't get a discount for 1 arm they always charge her full price! NOT FUNNY!!
They don't pay at all... They can't take their wallets out of their purse because the polish is still wet.
I called a few nail salons in my area and it costs less to get only one hand done. So yes, they pay less but on average I found it was only 5 dollars less, not half off.
Actually yes they do...and hey to go along with ur question, if a girl with a big chest works at hooters, should a girl with only one leg work at IHOP?
good idea
i would hope so
I hope so but doubt it
I think they do!
joking about one armed people is offensive! reported!

har. no. not really

um, they should.

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